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Allied Interiors began providing access floors, our specialty, in 1984 and have expanded to floor finishes, drywall, painting, air testing and acoustical ceilings. Through years of dedication to our services, we’ve become the top distributor of Global IFS/Haworth products in Texas. With multiple locations, a hard-working team and exceptional interior services, we are fully equipped to raise your business to the next level.
We pride ourselves on being a family owned business you can trust. Our co-founders Jerry Wells and late Charlie Wells started Allied Interiors together after years of hands-on experience with a previous employer.
With 46 years of industry experience, Jerry’s interior practice began early on in his career when a visiting sales vendor noticed Jerry’s hard work as an industrial painter. The sales vendor recommended him to an associate who was looking to hire. As Jerry’s vacation time was around the corner, he decided to dedicate his break to the interview process and a week-long trial run at the company.
Immediately impressed, the company offered Jerry a full-time electrostatic painting position.

He worked there for more than 11 years learning the manufacturing of raised and access computer floor systems. When the company owner was ready to retire and sell the business, Jerry and his brother Charlie decided it was time to open their own business, Allied Interiors. The brothers started the business in a small shopping center and leased a 2,000-square foot space across the street from their home.
Coming a long way, we now occupy close to 100,000 square feet of office and warehouse space. Jerry’s daughters Jeri Angel Wells and Mary Moore serve as vice presidents and are involved daily in our business operations. Joining our staff almost immediately after high school, Jeri has worked with Allied Interiors for more than 25 years.
Mary joined more than 20 years ago to develop and expand the floor finishes division with her late mom Mary Wells who worked in the family business for more than 25 years. ​At Allied Interiors, we focus our high energy on seeking and providing the best for our clients. Family owned and operated is our story. Whether it is by blood or a long-term commitment to Allied Interiors, our staff is our family. With their help, we have become the successful interior services company we are today.
Our partners are like family. We rely on each other. Allied Interiors promises to put safety first, honor time lines and treat you with the highest level of customer service throughout every project or service.

Fourteen years ago, Allied Interiors Vice President Jeri Angel Wells had a birthday wish for her and her family to spend time together providing food to families in need. Since Feb. 2, 2010, Jeri and her friends, family, co-workers and volunteers have been providing warm clothes, shoes, food and many other essential items to people experiencing homelessness in the Dallas, Texas, community. Her nonprofit Angel’s Wish has more than 100 volunteers and serves the community as often as possible.
Jeri's work was highlighted in this news story on Dallas ABC affiliate, WFAA in December of 2018. Watch now.
Allied Interiors Vice President Jeri Angel Wells works in our community every day.